Sweep My Ride is a facility dedicated to detecting and locating hidden electronic devices on vehicles
Taking vehicle security to a new level
"Sweep My Ride" was born of necessity and is the first solution for detecting, locating, and collecting hidden electronics in a controlled and trusted environment.
Our facilities are designed to isolate our clients vehicles from all external radio frequencies allowing the vehicle to be swept completely and thoroughly
Secure Protocol
The Sweep My Ride inspection protocol is a hands-on, systematic process for examining all systems of a vehicle. Our technique is based upon decades of experience conducting TSCM vehicle sweeps and continued technical training to law enforcement standards.
Our protocol assures the client of a comprehensive, standardized physical and electronic sweep for hidden tracking devices, air tags, tiles, cameras, microphones, and transmitters.
Controlled Sweep Environment
A completely controlled TSCM sweep environment is needed and based upon decades of experience sweeping vehicles Glen Bass Investigations created "Sweep My Ride" as a complete solution to providing a thorough and complete TSCM sweep.
A Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) sweep has several components:
Our Shielded Inspection Gallery is the ideal controlled environment to conduct a complete vehicle TSCM sweep.
The purpose-built structure isolates the vehicle from outside RF interference, protects from electronic countermeasures signal leakage, and images the vehicle using multiple cameras and angles.
Our Electronic Countermeasures Suite is a series processes used to trick nefarious electronics into revealing its presence.